Traditional Foods and Customs
ONLINE TEXTBOOK: Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia (2011). (eds: Ken Albala)
Health and Disease
What Happened When Scientists Put African Americans On An African Diet And Africans On An American Diet – (media review of the study); Published study here (O’Keefe et al, 2015).
Fatphobia and its Racist Past and Present (12-minute NPR interview with Sabrina Strings, author of Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fatphobia
Social, Political, and/or Historical Context
- Harris JB. (2021). “Migration Meals: How African American Food Transformed the Taste of America.” (Eating Well, 2/8/2021)
- On eating watermelon in front of white people: “I’m not as free as I thought” (8/29/19)
- The Spiritual and Cultural Value of Seed (African Centre for Biodiversity, 2018)
- National Geographic – How Slaves Shaped American Cooking
- Dietary Acculturation of Recent Immigrants from West Africa to New York City
- Carmichael R. (2016). Why Cultural Appropriation Could be the Best and Worst Thing for Soul Food’s Survival. Interview with Adrian Miller
- Yentsch A. (2009). Excavating the South’s African American Food History. Africa Diaspora Archeology Newsletter, 12(2), Article 2.
- Oktay S and Sadıkoğlu S. (2018). The gastronomic cultures’ impact on the African cuisine. Journal of Ethnic Foods, 5(2), 140-146.
- Sorrel: The Ruby-Red Caribbean Christmas Drink Flavored With Black History
- New York Times: Jack Daniel’s Embraces a Hidden Ingredient: Help From a Slave (6/25/2016)
- Making Fried Chicken and Watermelon Racist (The Atlantic, 2/6/2014)
- Feijoada and Hoppin’ John: Dishing the African Diaspora in Brazil and the United States (Terenzio, Here/Away 25(4), 2019)
Eritrean Spicy Tomato Bread Salad with Yogurt (Fata)
Ethiopian Chicken Stew (Doro Wat)
Ethopian Injera Bread with Carrot Ginger Chutney
Ghanaian Spinach Stew With Sweet Plantains (NYTimes login required)
Moroccan Harira Soup (NYTimes login required)
Nigerian Cornmeal-Okra Fritters