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Traditional Foods and Customs

ONLINE TEXTBOOK: Food Cultures of the World Encyclopedia (2011). (eds: Ken Albala)

Countries of Africa – a link to a list of 28 countries. Each section describes the staple foods, meal patterns, cooking techniques, and food-related customs and traditions.

Health and Disease

Social, Political, and/or Historical Context


Bessara (Morocco)

Eritrean Spicy Tomato Bread Salad with Yogurt (Fata) 

Ethiopian Chicken Stew (Doro Wat)

Ethopian Injera Bread with Carrot Ginger Chutney

Ghanaian Spinach Stew With Sweet Plantains (NYTimes login required)

Injera (Ethiopia/Eritrea)

Mahjouba (Algerian Crêpes)

Moroccan Harira Soup (NYTimes login required)

Nigerian Cornmeal-Okra Fritters

Nigerian Peanut Soup

Red Red (Ghana)

Senegalese Abala (Black Eyed Pea Tamales)

Senegalese Chicken Mafe (NYTimes login required)


Photograph of Katherine BurtKate Gardner Burt, PhD, RD is an assistant professor at Lehman College and a registered dietitian and culinary nutritionist. She teaches courses in community and public health nutrition and cultural food and sustainability. Dr. Burt’s research broadly aims to reduce racial and ethnic inequities in community food systems in the Bronx and NYC as a whole. She does this by exploring strategies to strengthen efforts to grow food locally and improve community cohesion and social connectedness to build a more just food system. She also aims to reduce inequities in food systems by increasing opportunities for low-income people of color to excel in dietetics and food-focused careers. She takes a mixed methods, community-based approach to research and currently works with several New York City based non-profit organizations. Dr. Burt received her BS in film and television from Boston University and her MS in exercise physiology and nutrition, RD and PhD in food and nutrition policy from Teachers College, Columbia University. Her first cookbook was published in 2015 by Sterling Publishers, a subsidiary of Barnes and Noble.