Critical thinking, reflection, and praxis
- Gingras J, Asada Y, Fox A, Coveney J, Berenbaum S, and Aphramor L. (2014). Critical dietetics: A discussion paper. Journal of Critical Dietetics, 2(1), 2-12.
- Applebaum, B. (2016). Critical Whiteness Studies. In G. Nobilt (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education (pp. 1-23). USA: Oxford University Press.
Food System and Health: Critical Nutrition Studies
- Burt KG. (2021). The Whiteness of the Mediterranean Diet: A historical, sociopolitical, and dietary analysis using Critical Race Theory. Journal of Critical Dietetics, 5(2), 41-52.
- Guthman, J. (2007). Can’t Stomach It: How Michael Pollan et al. Made me Want to Eat Cheerios. Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture, 7 (3),75-79.
- Kirkland, A. (2011). The Environmental Account of Obesity: A Case for Feminist Skepticism. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, 36(2), 411-436.
- Hite, A. (2018). Nutritional Epidemiology of Chronic Disease and Defining “Healthy Diet”. Global Food History, 4(2), 207-225.
Bias & Racism within the dietetics & food profession
- Guthman, J. (2008). If They Only Knew”: Color Blindness and Universalism in California Alternative Food Institutions. The Professional Geographer, 60(3), 387-397.
- Burt, KG, Delgado, K, Chen, M, and Paul, R. (2019). Strategies and Recommendations to Increase Diversity in Dietetics. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 119(5), 733-738.
- YouTube: A Primer on Privilege, Kate G. Burt, PhD, RDN. Food & Nutrition Conference and Expo, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2020.
- Carter, S. (2020). Systemic Racism and Implicit Bias in Nutrition and Dietetics. Food and Nutrition Magazine.
- Burt KG, Fera J, Lopez R, Landaverde M, Avalos E, Paniagua A. (2021). Systemic and institutionalized racism, not achievement gap factors, limit the success of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in dietetics education and credentialing. Journal of Critical Dietetics, Special Issue on Racism Against Blacks in Dietetics, 6(1):22-39.
- Hawthorne L and Joy P. (2023). The Schooling of Peter Pan: Constructs of Gender and Sexual Orientation within Dietetics. Journal of Critical Dietetics, 6(3), 5-29.
Bias & racism impacts on the general public related to food & health
- Rauchwerk A, Vipperman-Cohen A, Padmanabhan S, Parasram W, Burt KG. (2020). The Case for a Health at Every Size Approach for Chronic Disease Risk Reduction in Women of Color. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 52(11), P1066-1072.
- Brown AGM, Burt KG, Campbell E, Doby C. (2022). A Call for Action to Address the Root Causes of Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 122(3), 661-669.
- Kendall, M. (2020).When Black Girls Hear That ‘Our Bodies Are All Wrong. New York Times.
- New York Times: Giving the Poor Easy Access to Healthy Food Doesn’t Mean They’ll Buy It
- Union of Concerned Scientists: Why We Can’t Separate Justice and Sustainability in the Food System
- Food justice or food sovereignty? Understanding the rise of urban food movements in the USA
- Montanari M (2022). Mainstream vegan’s appropriation problem: close-reading morality in vegan narratives. In: Food Studies: Matter, Meaning, Movement
Covert bias & privilege
- Krishna, P. (2021). Why do American grocery stores still have an ethnic aisle? New York Times.
- Restaurant Dress Codes Frequently Target Black Customers. It’s Past Time for Them to Go. – Eater, November 3, 2020
- Kaleka V and Burt KG. Understanding Privilege in the Vegetarian and Plant-based Diet Movement. Vegetarian Nutrition Update. 2021; 31(7):10-13.
- Burt KG (2020). A Primer on Privilege. Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, virtual due to COVID.
Reports & Resources
- Food Inc. Discussion Guide, Center for EcoLiteracy
- The Grocery Gap: Who Has Access to Healthy Food and Why It Matters, PolicyLink and The Food Trust (2010)
- Food Sovereignty Assessment Tool, 2nd Edition, First Nations (2015)
Bias and Privilege Impacting the Dietetic Professionals
- Dietetics Profession Privilege Quiz – measure your relative privilege within the dietetics profession using a validated scale!
- Carriedo A, Pinsky I, Crosbie E, Ruskin G, Mialon M. (2022). The corporate capture of the nutrition profession in the USA: the case of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Public Health Nutrition; published online 10/24/22
- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Response (10/24/22) and letter to the editor of the Washington Post (10/25/22)